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'The Fart-Off' Is A Group Chat Game You Should Definitely Be Playing

'The Fart-Off' Is A Group Chat Game You Should Definitely Be Playing

A place where all cheek squeaks are welcomed.

Mark McGowan

Mark McGowan

Sometimes when you're bored and have nothing to do, the group chat is the go to place.

Who's getting roasted? Who's up for some banter that you know very well could never be repeated outside of the confides of Whatsapp?

If nothing else, it passes the time.

However, the group chat can often be dry and really not worth sticking around for.

Enter 'The Fart-Off'.

Sure to revolutionise the the dryness of any group chat, The Fart-Off calls on you and your friends to record your best cheek squeaks and pit them against each other.

The lad responsible for bestowing this greatness upon the world explained to us that despite its immaturity, a will-timed sphincter whistle can brighten the bleakest of days.

He told us: "It's sounds extremely juvenile and it is but isn't that the essence of what all good men and women struggle to hold on to in these testing times!?

"It's simple - create a new Whatsapp group called 'The Fart-Off'. Add a few selected friends that are equal to your standard of toilet humour, and proceed accordingly.

"You would be amazed at how a Monday morning squeaker will brighten up your day, or how a Friday morning JD bum will make that Thursday hangover feel slightly more welcome.

"Yes it does mean holding up your phone somewhere near your A hole but we all sit on our phone whilst laying a Mac and it's the same principle."

The rules for 'The Fart-Off' are simple. Only toilet related humour is allowed - if you try to talk about work, girlfriends or anything that isn't linked to an audacious ripper, you are out.

"It's just a friendly, go-to-place if you need a good laugh," we were told. "Add a few mates that love a bit of toilet humour and crack on (no pun intended).

"We also have an unwritten ranking system. The more hilarious the fart, the higher up the ranks you go. I started the group as number one, but my friend has the top spot at the moment, with myself a distant second. He has a special gift. The God of the guff - The prince of the parp - The sultan of the stinkers. Nicknames of his to mention a few."

I will certainly be adding all of my mates to a Fat-Off group chat. What a fantastic way to bring a group of lads closer together.

Words by Mark McGowan

Featured image credit: FOX via YouTube

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