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Man Loses All Dignity After Parking Like An Absolute Idiot

Man Loses All Dignity After Parking Like An Absolute Idiot

Lesson learnt?

Mel Ramsay

Mel Ramsay

Everyone hates people who hog two parking spaces. There's really no excuse for it.



This guy is driving a red Mercedes and clearly thinks he's Billy big balls. He's parked over two spaces and it's pretty inconsiderate. What goes through these people's heads? Is it just a macho thing or what? I guess I'll never know. Well, unless this is all just a staged stunt for views on social media. But anyway, take a look what happens...

Credit: Instagram/the_roughjeep

So as you can see, these two Jeeps decide to piss him off in the most placid way possible. They simply parked on either side of him. Very, very close. So close, that when the bloke comes out of Best Buy (weirdly, with no shopping bags) he's faced with a bit of a problem.

He attempts to get in at the side, but unless he's Slenderman he's got no chance.


Eventually, he realises that the only way in is through the boot (or the 'trunk' to the Americans among you).

He kicks the tyres of both Jeeps and then loses pretty much all his dignity as he shuffles in through the back like Andy Dufresne crawling through shit at the end of Shawshank Redemption.

The footage was shot 'somewhere in the US', but that's all the information we have. Shame really because I'd love to speak to the bloke who parked like a dick. The first one, that is.

One user wrote: "Love it. Ill do the same thing, i hate when people park like if they own the whole parking lot."

Another added: "Was hoping you would jump in your Jeep and take off, right as he started his car."

Watch out for this badass though...

"They are lucky it wasn't me because I would of slashed all the tires on both jeeps. Their little joke would of ended up costing them a lot of money," wrote another viewer.

What do you reckon? Were they justified or should they have just left it?

To be fair, they've racked up thousands of views on Instagram and YouTube so it was probably worth doing.

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/the_roughjeep

Topics: Parking, Idiot