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Woman sparks debate after revealing the four word text that put her off a date

Woman sparks debate after revealing the four word text that put her off a date

The woman was unsure whether to cancel the date

A woman has sparked debate online after revealing the four word message that put her off going on a first date.

The woman explained that after she made a profile on a dating app, she started chatting to a man who asked her out for food.

While she was initially enthusiastic about meeting up, she shared a second message the man sent which has completely put her off.

The woman asked Mumsnet for advice (Getty Stock Photo)
The woman asked Mumsnet for advice (Getty Stock Photo)

Taking to Mumsnet, the woman asked if she should still go ahead with the date as planned, or if she should run a mile.

But people were pretty divided with their views.

While some agreed it would be an instant turn off, others said they thought she should at least give the date a chance.

"I made a profile on an app and some guy's asked me out for a bite to eat. I said yes, and we've agreed to meet this weekend," the woman explained in her post.

The woman was unsure about a walk around the town centre (Getty Stock Photo)
The woman was unsure about a walk around the town centre (Getty Stock Photo)

"Now he's said shall we have a short walk first before the food to 'see how we feel'?

"That's obviously code for, I'll see if I fancy you and if not I don't have to eat with you. It wasn't a fancy sit down meal, just a quick bite to eat like.

"Should I still go ahead? I don't know why, this has put me off slightly.

"It was only some waffle place, I wouldn't go for a formal meal for a first date either. Should I still go?"

Explaining he wanted to walk around the city, she added: "I just don't want to feel like I'm being assessed so much.

"A waffle/crepe whatever is hardly a court summons, it's barely more than a coffee. If I'm that grotesque surely he can finish it quickly and go?"

Some thought going for food would be awkward (Getty Stock Photo)
Some thought going for food would be awkward (Getty Stock Photo)

People were pretty divided, but many agreed it didn't make sense to walk aimlessly through a town centre.

"I would never ever go for a walk as a date unless it was someone who was into hiking. Walking down the road with someone is not a date," one person wrote.

And another said: "I could understand him not wanting to do a whole formal meal type of thing but a waffle!

"At least with a waffle, once you’ve finished you can leave if you don’t like him.

"What do you do on an aimless walk? Keep walking awkwardly with no end in site. That’s a no for me."

Others thought the woman was being too harsh, however.

One added: "I think you're being a bit sensitive - it makes sense to suss the other person out before committing to a meal.

"Doesn't necessarily mean fancying, but what if their vibes are just totally off? Gives you a chance to suss him out too."

And another said: "No way would I have food on a first date. Eating in front of someone you don't know is just cringe. Have a short walk and grab a coffee."

What do you think?

Featured Image Credit: Getty Stock Images

Topics: Sex and Relationships, Dating trends