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Two Canadian Teenagers Cross The Border Into The US While Playing Pokémon Go

Two Canadian Teenagers Cross The Border Into The US While Playing Pokémon Go

This is out of control.

Sian Broderick

Sian Broderick

Credit: PA Images

Whether you're hooked or not, I think we can all agree Pokémon Go is absolutely out of control. Everyone has gone nuts. It seems like almost every day we're hearing more stories about stupid things people have done trying to find them, each more ridiculous than the other.

I get it, lads, you wanna catch 'em all. But don't go breaking the law like this pair did.

In fact, these two teenage Canadian lads ended up committing an international crime when they crossed the border into the US during their hunt for creatures.

According to ABC News, they were 'so captivated' with the virtual reality game that they didn't even realise what they had done.

Their names and ages have not been announced which is probably for the best. Good luck living that one down, lads. Still, suppose it's a good story to tell the grandchildren.

This isn't the first time that people have been reported as oblivious to their surroundings. Here's everyone completely unaware they're in the company of Justin Bieber.

Once they were spotted, the pair were briefly detained and then reunited with their mother at a patrol station on the Canadian side.

The Department of Homeland Security's US Customs and Border Protection agency said in a statement: "Both juveniles were so captivated by their Pokémon Go games that they lost track of where they were.

"They crossed the international border inadvertently, but agents were able to reunite them with their mother."

Jheez. What next?

Words by Sian Broderick

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