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This Wife Has Decided To Get A Tattoo That Features Her Husband’s Decapitated Head

This Wife Has Decided To Get A Tattoo That Features Her Husband’s Decapitated Head

Should this lad be worried?

Hamish Kilburn

Hamish Kilburn

Tattoo Fixers is available to catch-up on 4OD. Featured image credit: E4

Even the tattoo fixers looked shocked when a woman walked into the studio, accompanied by her husband, and made her permanent request known. Customer Kelly wanted a large zombie sloth holding her beloved husband's head inked onto her leg as a sign of their love.

It was exactly what tattoo artist Sketch wanted to hear, as he has, making no bones about it, wanted to ink a sloth onto a customer for a while.

Sketch got to work and revealed his plan. "Obviously it looks like a sloth but eyes missing," he said pointing to the drawing. "Some lumps of skin missing and your amazing husband's head on a plate." Horror-loving Kelly and her husband looked more than happy with the artist's impression. "Get some puss in there as well," her husband added.

Once Sketch had finished his work on the client's thigh, both Kelly and her husband looked delighted at the result.

Since, Kelly has proudly shared the finished piece online.

Who wouldn't want a zombie sloth on your thigh? Good for her but let's keep this a fantasy please Kelly...

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Topics: Tattoo Design, Tattoo