There are a number of reasons why you might be stopped by police. And if you've ever been pulled over, it's not an experience many would like to repeat.
From potentially speeding to veering over lanes and having a light out, these are obvious reasons to get the attention of officers on the road.
But if this happens to you, there's a few things you can do - or rather, not do - to make sure the situation stays calm and doesn't escalate to a situation everyone would like to avoid.
Claire Highland (@clairehighlandlaw on TikTok) is a criminal defence attorney and has put together a list of seven situations in the car that you should be doing your upmost best to avoid. And her opinion should really count for something when it comes to this, given her legal background.
"If you are stopped by a police officer, anything within plain view comes in as evidence. So you don’t want illegal things or suspicious things laying out on the seat next to you where an officer can see it," she says.
Funky smells
Up first for Claire is the smell of intoxicants. We're talking certain types of smoke and then the smell of booze.
Both are major red flags are should be avoided for obvious legal and safety reasons.
Claire says: "The number one reason that DUI investigators begin is because the officer says they can smell the odour of intoxicants. So don’t light up in your car if you don’t want that to happen to you."
This could end up being a problem for you if you work in places such as a pub, bar, or club and the general smell of alcohol coming home with you. Maybe pack a deodorant for the drive home if that's you.

Open drinks
"In most US states that’s going to get you an infraction, but it’s also enough to start a DUI investigation," she says.
In the UK, there isn't a law against having the likes of an open beer in the vehicle.
But the AA has warned big time against doing this. You're just attracting unnecessary attention to yourself and likely going to be breathalysed.
If you've not been drinking it, you're just wasting everyone's time.
Claire said there are 'so people I know who have had weapons they shouldn’t have had, or in ways they shouldn’t have had them in sight in their car'.
In the UK, certain people can carry guns such as for hunting.
If this is you, make sure they are stored in a locked boot and hidden from any passerby. Having the weapons unloaded is a must too. If you don't follow these rules, expect significant police attention.

Tinted windows
A big safety measure, this one, and one that Claire says she is 'guilty of'.
When it comes to the windscreen and front seat windows, there is a limit to how much you can tint them as too much can impede a driver's ability to see everything going on outside of the vehicle.
A darker tint means you're going to be stopped for the infraction and it could also lead to a hostile response if they can't quite see inside the vehicle.
Private plates
Private registration plates are popular with many drivers - but they don't last forever.
You must renew your right to use your private number every 10 years if it’s not being used on a vehicle.
And you'll permanently lose the right to use the number if you do not renew it on or before the expiry date. The DVLA states it will not accept applications made after that date.
Give it a check, because if it's not above board you'll be in trouble.
Driving licence
If you're carrying an invalid driving licence when you're stopped behind the wheel expect to be in big trouble.
You'll also face a fine totalling £1,000.
And even worse, if you're driving with someone else's licence it's opening up a whole other can of worms.
Check your expiry date and what address there is on your licence and make sure they're both above board.
You're giving police a major hint that you're up to no good by having items associated with taking illegal substances. It's a major red flag to a police officer and you're going to be investigated for it.
"Similar to open [drinks], but don’t have any smoking devices in plain view because that’s gonna lead to an officer having suspicion that you were using it before or while driving,” Claire says.
“This really applies to anything that’s gonna make it look like you were doing something illegal.
"Don’t have that anywhere that an officer would see it when they stop you."