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Aussie Politician Interrupts Female MP As She Was Speaking About Women Trying To Be Heard

Aussie Politician Interrupts Female MP As She Was Speaking About Women Trying To Be Heard

“Ben, we’re talking about respect for women in the workplace, are you going to talk over me?”

Stewart Perrie

Stewart Perrie

A heated discussion between two politicians has gone viral around Australia.

The Labour Party's Kate Thwaites was discussing the March 4 Justice rallies around the country earlier this week on the ABC with Western Australia Liberal senator Ben Small.

Thwaites was speaking about the difficulty women experience when they try to voice their complaints or concerns in the workforce.

She was asked by ABC host Jade Macmillan about whether Prime Minister Scott Morrison is doing enough to show the country he cares about the issues highlighted at the March 4 Justice rallies.

The PM declined to attend the Canberra protest, but invited the organiser to a private meeting, which she declined.

Kate said: "The Prime Minister could just not be further from what is going on in this country.

"I was out at that march, as well as a lot of other Labor figures and some government figures were as well. The power, the anger, the feeling that people's voices aren't being heard. That is what the PM is not acknowledging."

During this answer, Ms Thwaites was interrupted by Mr Small, who tried to defend the Prime Minister and insisted he did his bit by organising the private meeting.

The Labour member hit back, saying: "Are you really going to talk over me on this issue?

"Ben, we're talking about respect for women in the workplace, are you going to talk over me?"

After both politicians kept trying to get a hold of the talking stick, an exasperated Kate just said to her opposition that she 'will let you keep going then'.

Reporter Jade Macmillan stepped in and told Ms Thwaites she should finish her answer.

She replied with: "Sorry, I have lost my train of thought a bit because I got talked over.

"The Prime Minister does not get it. He does not understand what is happening with women in this place and in this country."

The exchanged hit national attention when the Labour politician posted a video of it on her Twitter and called Mr Small out for mansplaining to her an important issue.

"I went on ABC tv to talk about why the #March4Justice was so important and Morrison Government Senator Ben Small decided to talk over me. It's so distressing just how much this Government doesn't get it. #auspol #mansplained," she wrote.

The politician was congratulated for trying to explain to a male representative that this is exactly the type of behaviour that women are sick of having to put up with.

Featured Image Credit: ABC

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