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Young people feel uncomfortable about the thumbs up emoji because it’s ‘passive aggressive’

Young people feel uncomfortable about the thumbs up emoji because it’s ‘passive aggressive’

One said the emoji is 'super rude' while pointing out the generational shift in how we communicate.

Millennials and Gen Zs are urging everyone to stop using the ‘thumbs up’ emoji as they deem it too ‘passive aggressive’.

A Reddit user took to the forum to find out if users were also agitated when receiving a ‘thumbs up’ on messenger.

They wrote: “I started an 'adult' job where we use Microsoft Teams to connect with each other for work.

"Currently, there only a few emojis you can use to react to a message (unless of course, you respond, and can use any emoji). Most people at work use the 'thumbs up' reaction all the time.”

They added: “I don't use it much. I either 'heart' reactions or reply even if it's a short 'Great!' or 'Thanks!' (I also feel like I use too many exclamation marks, but that's a different story).

"Anyway, I think it's normal for to 'thumbs up' messages, but I still feel like it's such an unsettling response. Does anyone else feel this way?”

As expected, the question absolutely lit up the comment section and left many users divided about the emoji's true meaning.

One person commented: “If you feel comfortable using a heart emoji, I am so confused by why you hesitate using the thumbs up. I used the thumbs up (in my mind 'I agree" or ‘ok’) way before I used the heart (‘love it’ or ‘feeling the feels’). But thats just me.”

A 24-year-old user panned the emoji as 'super rude’ while pointing out the generational shift in how we communicate.

They wrote: “For younger people (I’m 24 for reference) the thumbs up emoji is used to be really passive aggressive. It’s super rude if someone just sends you a thumbs up. So I also had a weird time adjusting because my workplace is the same.

“So yeah it’s a generational communication culture difference. Everyone my age in the office doesn’t do it, but the Gen X people always do it. Took me a bit to adjust and get out of my head that it means they’re mad at me.”

A third person shared: “It probably feels unsettling because it's impersonal, and based just off this post, you seem like the kind of person who prefers more genuine interactions with others.”

While another wrote: “Damn I'm embarrassed to be Gen-Z. It's just a thumbs-up. Don't search so deep.”

Well, you’ve been warned, the next time you use ‘thumbs up’ you’re probably better off opting for the heart-eyes emoji. Otherwise, you might as well say ‘job well done’ with a swift kick to the head.

Featured Image Credit: Kittipong Satrinekarn / Alamy Stock Photo. Antonio Guillem Fernández / Alamy Stock Photo

Topics: News, Social Media, Technology, Reddit