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American Tourists Are Shouting 'Build The Wall!' In Mexican Resorts

American Tourists Are Shouting 'Build The Wall!' In Mexican Resorts

Not cool

Mel Ramsay

Mel Ramsay

It's got a little awkward between the US and Mexico. Donald Trump announced he was going to build a wall so that illegal immigrants couldn't journey into The States - and that Mexico would have to pay for it. Mexico has said they're not going to do that.

Relations are so bad that the President of Mexico Enrique Peña Nieto cancelled a meeting he had with President Trump in January.

And the former President continues to troll him on Twitter.

But apparently American tourists in Mexico are now chanting 'Build the wall!' on evening cruises.

Mexico is one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world and holiday-makers from the US make up the majority of the tourists with around 10 million travellers visiting each year. It's a particularly popular place for spring-breakers - American university students who are looking for a party.

In the States, the drinking age is 21, but down south in Mexico it's three years younger, making it an attractive place for college teenagers. So things inevitably get a bit rowdy. But now with US/Mexican relations so fraught, it's got way out of hand.

A South American couple were on the Captain Hook Pirate Ship off the coast of Cancun when they were shocked by American tourists bursting into a chant.

Credit: Facebook

Peruvian Anaximandro Amable Burga was on board the boat with his Mexican wife, Sully, enjoying their honeymoon... until a hoard of drunk Americans started chanting, and even when the rest of the boat expressed their annoyance, kept causing trouble.

According to The Yucatan Times, it's just one of many incidents occurring in Mexico these days. The local newspaper condemned the 'acts of xenophobia and discrimination against Mexicans within their own country'.

Anaximandro took to Facebook to vent about the bad behaviour he saw from the Americans on board, but he still believes that : "I have wanted to believe that human stupidity and ignorance, no matter how transverse, is characteristic of a small group of people."

Anaximandro even mentions his friends and family who live in the US: "I see that they take pride in the country to which they migrated...but there are things which one cannot tolerate, which is the discourse that incites hate".

Credit: Twitter

But things are only set to get worse between the two countries over this wall. So far, Trump hasn't managed to make Mexico pay for it like he insisted, so the American tax-payers are reaching into their pockets. And construction on the wall is set to start soon - and the billion pound wall would be a huge thing for any construction company to work on.

But the Mexican government has warned construction companies in the country to stay away from the project.

"We're not going to have laws to restrict (companies), but I believe considering your reputation it would undoubtedly be in your interest to not participate in the construction of the wall," said Mexican Economy Minister Ildefonso Guajardo to The Independent.

Sounds pretty ominous! It's like a Mafia film or something. It would be a pretty heavy betrayal for any Mexicans to work on the controversial wall; they're going to have to choose between their national pride and their wallet.

Featured Image Credit: Wiki Commons