If you've ever wondered whether the colour of a car has any bearing on how likely the vehicle is to end up in an accident, it does.
Unfortunately, some of the more dangerous paint jobs can be counted among the most popular choices with Brits buying a new car.
According to RAC, the top trio of new cars bought in the UK are grey, black and blue which if you've spent any time on the roads might be readily apparent.
Sadly, these three paint jobs aren't the safest in the land.
Granted, the main thing you can do to ensure you have a safe time on the roads is taking care not to drive like a wazzock, while employing the sort of caution behind the wheel that would suggest you think your fellow motorists never passed their driving test.

However, as safe as you can be sometimes there are other things which appear to impact the number of accidents and the colour of your car is one of them.
Cars painted black are apparently the most dangerous on the roads, with them being more prone to having accidents at night in particular, as pedestrians and other motorists can have a hard time properly spotting the car.
While research points towards black being the most dangerous car for someone to drive, grey cars also seem to have a higher rate of accidents than normal, while blue and red cars stand out as particularly problematic as well.
Even in daylight, darker painted cars are still harder to spot and distinguish against the roads and you want your big metal brick on wheels to be easy to see if others are going to factor it into their decision making.

On the other hand, lighter colours are easier to spot, and while cars painted white might be a pain to clean over and over again, they've got a better chance of being identified and avoided.
However, it seems that the top dog of car colour safety is the mighty yellow, which is really not a popular style for most people when it comes to their motor.
For reference, last year in the UK over 423,000 new black cars were sold whereas just about 11,000 yellow cars were.
A survey from the AA suggested that the safest colours to be driving in were either bold yellow or shining silver, which is different from grey.
However, the road safety experts pointed out that there are so many factors to consider in a car crash that putting it down to the paint job would be a tricky thing, the best thing you can do is drive safely and make your vehicle as visible as possible.