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Passenger straps camera to luggage to see what actually happens after you check it in at airport

Passenger straps camera to luggage to see what actually happens after you check it in at airport

Now you know exactly what happens to your bag after you leave it at check-in.

Checking in luggage is no doubt one of the most stressful parts of travelling abroad.

You say goodbye to your suitcase in perfect condition at the check in desk, only to receive it back battered (and in some cases even smashed up) several hours later after arriving at your destination.

Seeing how trashed your suitcase looks upon arrival often leaves travellers wondering what on earth goes on behind the scenes at the airport for it to end up in this condition.

Turns out this was a question which had been on the mind of one resourceful traveller who decided to strap a GoPro to their bag and watch it's journey.

Shared by Click On Detroit's on their YouTube channel, the brief video was titled 'POV You're a checked bag at DTW getting to your plane'.

For anyone hoping to see airport staff drop kicking or tossing luggage around carelessly, you're about to be disappointed, as this particular clip is actually pretty uneventful. For this lucky traveller, their suitcase heads down a series of conveyer belts ahead of being loaded onto the plane.

The bag actually isn't lifted up by a member of staff at any point during screenings, instead being collected by a robotic table before being scanned by security.

Granted, the clip only shows a small amount of the bag's journey, but viewers were left unconvinced that their cases would be handled so carefully for the entire journey.

One curious traveller strapped a GoPro to their bag (YouTube @Click On Detroit)
One curious traveller strapped a GoPro to their bag (YouTube @Click On Detroit)

"Where's the part where minimum wage baggage handlers throw it into a trolley and then throw it again in the airplane undercarriage?" one person questioned, while another added: "seems like a pretty organised system."

There is no shortage of video evidence showing suitcases filled with our precious holiday essentials being manhandled on the internet.

Type 'luggage handler' or 'airport luggage' into social media and you'll find no shortage of videos showing airport staff tossing bags onto the back of carts or conveyer belts.

In one video posted last year, a member of Ryanair staff was caught carelessly slinging instruments around. The clip was shared on social media by user James Elson who couldn't believe his eyes as he watched his items being chucked around.

"Our fragile musical instruments being looked after - not," the musician wrote.

"@Ryanair, Blue Handling - absolutely appalling customer service. To think the amount we paid for you to take them… "

Holiday makers often fear what happens to their bags at the airport (YouTube @Click On Detroit)
Holiday makers often fear what happens to their bags at the airport (YouTube @Click On Detroit)

Thankfully not every baggage handler mishandles every bag they get their hands, on as TikToker Karmessa shared a video featuring a member of airport staff carefully loading holidaymakers' suitcases.

"Despite what we normally see, there are some workers who handle your luggage with care," she wrote.

Maybe the aggressive bag handler isn't a universal experience after all!

Featured Image Credit: (YouTube @Click On Detroit)

Topics: News, Travel, Social Media, YouTube, Plane Etiquette