Since 'Paddy The Baddy' burst onto the MMA scene 18 months ago, he's gained quite the following, but there are many fight fans who aren't yet familiar with his native tongue: scouse.
Fortunately for these fans, however, the Liverpudlian has put together a special guide explaining some scouse slang:
Paddy Pimblett is currently one of the hottest prospects in the UFC, with those in the know expecting him to be challenging for a world title anytime now.
And if you've had the pleasure of listening to any of his press conferences or post-fight interviews, you'll know that he's pretty confident of that happening too.
You may also have noticed that he has an interesting turn of phrase, sometimes making it tricky for the uninitated to understand his accent.
What does 'belter' or 'heavy' mean? And what in God's name are 'bills' and 'scran'?

Well, thankfully, the man himself has revealed all, sharing a beginner's guide to all things scouse.
According to Paddy, this can have a plethora of meanings, such as, 'He's sound, him', which means he's a 'nice fella'.
It can also be used to describe how you're feeling, like 'I'm sound', meaning you're good.
Pretty simple one to start things off.
Go 'Ed
Now, this one has nothing to do with anyone called Ed, before we start.
Paddy says: "Go 'ed is just like, 'Yeah, cool, do that'. It's just quicker than saying, 'Oh, of course, squire, let's do this'.
"Such a universal word," he explains. "A good thing or a bad thing. Like, 'Ah, lad, we've just conceded. That's heavy'. Or, yes, we've scored, that's heavy, that'.
"When it comes to food, heavy is only a compliment."

Belter (Paddy spells is 'Belt-ar')
This means something or someone is 'absolutely brilliant'. Again, very simple.
Not solely the possession of scousers, this word is used across the North of England.
"Scran means food," Paddy says. "So if I say, 'Ah let's go for a scran, lad', it means let's go and get some food."
A favourite for Liverpudlians, it's perhaps their best known bit of slang. But what does it mean?
Over to Paddy: "It's like saying 'lad', but a shortened version."
For example: "Come here, la! Come here!"
"Me bills are me underpants," he explains. "As the Americans would say."
Fans of Paddy will certainly have heard this one before.
A favourite of his when it comes to calling out fellow fighters, it's just a great insult.

According to Paddy, this one really confused the Yanks state side.
"We were saying jobe in America and Americans were like (looks around confused)," he says.
"It's a taxi. I don't know where all these shouts come from. Some of these shouts are probably just me and my mates."
Cob on
Have you got a cob on?
Well, if you're in a stinker of a mood, then yes you do.
It just means to be upset or angry at something or someone. Being a miserable sod, basically.
Ta ra
Another one that's actually very simple, and quite fitting for the end of this specific article, to be honest.
It's just another way of saying goodbye.
According to Paddy: "Scouse birds have to say ta ra about 19 times before they can put the phone down."
So, ta ra, la.