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An author has spoken out after a video of his empty book signing went viral and led to him becoming an Amazon best-selling author overnight.

A TikToker was out shopping one day when he saw author Shawn Warner trying to promote his book in a store and looking 'super defeated' over the lack of attendees at his signing.

The content creator decided to record their encounter with the author and later posted it online - unaware of just how pivotal that decision would turn out to be for Warner's career.

Social media may have murky and dark depths, but sometimes, just sometimes, it can be used for the power of good too.

Shawn Warner was spotted sitting alone at his book signing.
TikTok/ @internetfamouslol

In the video - uploaded by Red a.k.a. @internetfamouslol - Warner explains the book is his 'debut novel'.

The novel, titled Leigh Howard and the Ghosts of Simmons-Pierce Manor, is about 'a teenage girl who teams up with a ghost with multiple personalities to solve the mystery of her parents' murder,' the author explains.

Noting he doesn't 'know this guy' and the video 'isn't a sponsorship' - he 'just wanted to show a stranger some kindness' - the TikToker then bought a signed second copy from Warner, explaining he does 'a bit of TikTok' and would love to 'gift it' on the platform to help raise awareness of the novel and its author.

"I imagined all the times I worked so hard and never got any recognition," the TikToker notes.

TikToker Red bought a second copy and said he'd gift it on the platform to raise awareness of the novel.
TikTok/ @internetfamouslol

The video of the TikToker and Warner's encounter has since gone viral on the platform, amassing over a whopping 15 million views.

One user said: "Awe I’m gonna have to get this book. That’s so awesome that you took the time to promote him!!!"

"I met the same gentleman at my thriftbook store a few weeks back. bought one and he signed it for me. super sweet guy, just seemed so sad," another wrote.

A third commented: "EVERYONE BUY THIS BOOK!!!! Let’s get this guy some sales."

Warner has since become a best-selling author on Amazon.
TikTok/ @shawnwwrites

And 'get this guy some sales' everyone certainly did, because in just 24 hours, Warner became a best-selling author on Amazon and remains in the top spot at the time of writing.

Reflecting on the support he's received since the TikTok video went viral, Warner thanked 'everybody for the love and the kindness'.

In a video to his own TikTok - @shawnwwrites - he said: "It was totally unexpected. I'm in shock. I don't even know what to say about it at the moment, I'm trying to wrap my head around it.

"[...] Thank you again for all the kindness."

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@internetfamouslol

Topics: Books, Social Media, TikTok, Viral, US News