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Brits in disbelief after seeing bloke’s massive challenge breakfast attempt

Brits in disbelief after seeing bloke’s massive challenge breakfast attempt

People said he made a 'classic mistake' when tackling the big Full English

Sure, you’d absolutely smash through an eating challenge. Because let’s be honest, most of the time when we look at photos of stacks of food, we think to ourselves ‘yeah I’d easily demolish that’.

But let’s face it, we probably wouldn’t.

From mega steakhouse challenges to back-to-back episodes of Man vs Food, people eating mega amounts of food is a bit of a weird mesmerisation.

And as we judge other people’s methods, admire their efforts and listen to our own stomachs grumble at the thought, Brits have been left in disbelief after seeing one bloke’s attempt at a massive UK breakfast challenge.

The Penguin Café in Wednesfield, Wolverhampton, shared a photo of the ‘very first brave challenger’ to try out their ‘Bhella Buster’.

He was first to take on the challenge. (Facebook/Penguin Cafe - Wednesfield)
He was first to take on the challenge. (Facebook/Penguin Cafe - Wednesfield)

Priced at just £22, the challenge is an absolute whopper of a breakfast including eight pieces of bacon, six eggs, eight sausages, six hashbrowns, four slices of black pudding, two loads of chopped tomatoes, two portions of beans, six pieces of toast, four slices of fried bread, two mushrooms and a tea or coffee.

Challengers aren’t allowed to swap items, share any of it or go to the toilet. The Bhella Buster has to be completed in 40 minutes or less and champs get the breakfast for free plus a t-shirt.

And the bloke who first tried it was defeated – pretty tragically. A snap shows him with his thumbs down and what looks like a still pretty full place of food in front of him. Compared to what is said to be included, he started off with ten slices of toast and seems to have started off by eating three of them and perhaps picking at a few of the other bits.

What was left. (Facebook/Penguin Cafe - Wednesfield)
What was left. (Facebook/Penguin Cafe - Wednesfield)

But people say the toast is where he went wrong. Users took to Reddit to say: “Probably would've looked better if the fool hadn't eaten a load of the toast.”

As another pointed out ‘toast is very filling’ and one said: “Typically bread is eaten last by professional eaters, this guy noobed hard on the challenge.”

With others echoing: “Filled up on bread, classic mistake.”

Although, one did write: “When they serve an entire loaf, looks like you’re filling up on bread one way or another.”

And some said on Facebook: “The plates doable it’s the load of bread that would kill me off.”

It seems the café has had a few others attempt the Bhella Buster since, with some much closer to succeeding but everyone has been defeated so far.

Reckon you could do it lads?

Featured Image Credit: Facebook/Penguin Cafe - Wednesfield

Topics: Reddit, Social Media, Food And Drink, UK News