A man who endured the nightmarish situation of being adrift at sea for 14 months did have one silver lining - he experienced the 'best sex of his life' while he was out there.
Back in November 2012, José Salvador Alvarenga set out from Mexico as he planned to make a 30-hour roundtrip with some deep-sea fishing.
He was joined by fellow fisherman Ezequiel Córdoba, who was 22 at the time. But soon into their journey, a storm set in and they decided to keep on fishing to see what they could catch
This ended up being a pretty bad idea, as they were caught in the bad weather for a week. They spent 10 weeks surviving on turtles, bird blood and fish but Córdoba became unwell and died on the boat.
However, Alvarenga ended up lost at sea for a whopping 438 days – during which he claims he had the ‘best sex ever’.

After living alone at sea, the bloke eventually washed up on the island of Ebon Atoll, about 6,700 miles from Mexico, and was able to get hope.
His wild ordeal was documented in the book 438 Days: An Extraordinary True Story of Survival at Sea.
Jonathan Franklin, who wrote it, spoke about Alvarenga’s unique experience in an episode of Slate's How To Survive in the Wild podcast.
And this included explaining what the two lone fishermen did to stay sane while they were stranded at sea. Because obviously, they had quite a lot of time on their hands.
So, apparently, they got musical.
"They would just lay on their backs," Franklin said. "[Córdoba] was a fantastic singer, so he would sing. And Alvarenga, who was not a great singer, would also sing. They would play lots of games with the stars and look at constellations.

"When they saw airplanes go by, they would imagine out loud, 'What do you think they’re having?' They would create these amazing feasts imagining what the people in the airplanes were eating."
That’s not the only thing they imagined though as being out at sea with no one else meant they weren’t exactly getting much action.
Franklin described Alvarenga as a ‘badass fisherman who partied his brains out’ and ‘had three girlfriends’. Apparently, he would spend time imagining himself strolling down the beach and flirting with women.
"It's this alternative reality that keeps him alive,” the journalist explained.
“And he said, 'Jonathan, the best meals of my life were those imaginary meals I had at sea. The best sex I had in my life was the imaginary sex.'"
Yep, the best shag of this bloke’s life is apparently the fake one he dreamt of.
After Alvarenga was eventually rescued, his troubles were not at an end, as he ended up being sued for $1 million by Córdoba's family, who accused him of cannibalism.
Alvarenga is adamant he didn't eat Córdoba's body, and instead buried him at sea.
His lawyer Ricardo Cucalon told Elsalvador.com at the time that he believed the suit was 'part of the pressure from this family to divide the proceeds of royalties' on Alvarenga's book.
Topics: Sex and Relationships, World News, Weird