When you discover you're pregnant, it can cause a wave of emotions.
You usually find out after a few weeks that you're carrying a baby and that sets off a months-long countdown until you give birth.
In that time, you get to prepare your home and your life for the arrival of your child.
However, a teenager had a very different experience to finding out she was expecting.
When Faye White's water broke, she assumed it was a urine infection.

The 19-year-old had 'no baby bump' and still had her regular periods throughout the pregnancy.
"I didn't have to buy any new clothes. I had no sickness. I had a bit of acid reflux but I get that when I'm not pregnant anyway. I wasn't having any pain," she explained.
She'd done six pregnancy tests that had all come up negative, so she carried on like she would if she wasn't expecting a child.
The mum-of-three drank, smoked and even jumped on a bouncy castle because she thought she was in the clear.
White said she and her partner were using the 'pull-out' method because they didn't want another child, however they weren't using condoms or birth control.
"I knew there was an element of risk," she said.
However, you can imagine her surprise when she woke up one morning 'to a giant gush of water'.
"At first I didn't really think anything of it except that maybe it's a urine infection and I'll call the doctors when they open," she said.
"My waters went around 8.20. Around 20 minutes later, the contractions started and obviously having two previous births I knew what contractions were.

"I called my mum-in-law and said 'I need to go to the hospital, I'm in pain'.
"I was in shock - all I was doing was screaming. I was so confused.
"I went to the toilet because I felt this really bad pressure and there was something coming out. I waddled back into my bedroom and it turned out it was her foot. I ended up calling an ambulance.
"My mum-in-law said she could see a foot hanging out. It had literally plopped out. I was in full blown labour.
"From the moment of my waters breaking to having her was two hours, it was so quick."
Luna was born at 37 weeks.
The baby was rushed to a neonatal intensive care unit at Broomfield Hospital after experiencing complications.
Faye is mother to her new baby Luna, as well as her first child Brody-Chase. She tragically lost her second child, Kenzo-Rayne at the 18 week pregnancy mark.
"Luna was a little rainbow and cryptic pregnancy, breech delivery as well, she defied the odds," Faye said.
"What's she's gone through, she's doing brilliantly. Now I can't imagine life without her. I like my life hectic, and she definitely keeps it hectic!"