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AI has predicted what McDonald's will look like in 20 years and it's very Black Mirror

AI has predicted what McDonald's will look like in 20 years and it's very Black Mirror

There's some very different options for eating your Big Mac in

Although some people still see it as creepy robot-like activity, AI gets used for all sorts of stuff, every single day.

From Google features to decoding ancient scrolls, it's also used for more, well, you know, weird things.

I'm talking about AI-created content like a real-life Simpsons and a 1980s live-action Family Guy. Or in this case, using artificial intelligence to predict what McDonald's will look like in 20 years.

Because let's be honest, it would be a big shock if the golden arches of fast food disappeared any time soon. But the results of this are very Black Mirror, to say the least.

To be honest, I could imagine seeing this somewhere on a city corner.

This one seems relatively realistic. (LADbible)
This one seems relatively realistic. (LADbible)

It's got that movie-style diner bottom and then the modern glass top half.

Although that design above the eating space is a little other-worldly. Plus, what on earth has AI changed the name to there?

This one is giving real classy and stylish but also futuristic

Oo, she's modern. (LADbible)
Oo, she's modern. (LADbible)

It seems like a Maccies you could find in the shopping streets of Paris but also in Tokyo. Although, the surrounds seem pretty grey and sad.

MabGi's looks very chic with its modern seating but also looks a little like a hotel lobby inside rather than a fast-food restaurant. You definitely wouldn't miss those golden arches from anywhere.

Talk about golden arches, look at the size of those.

You'd struggle to miss this. (LADbible)
You'd struggle to miss this. (LADbible)

This one seems like one you might find in a theme park - garish and looming and almost intimidating.

Although, it would be pretty fun if that was a slide on the front. Named as 'Madde's', it even seems to have long hot dog buns sticking out of it with a rooftop to overlook the gloomy dark streets surrounding the restaurant.

I mean, this really takes golden to another level.

Hello MaDiridis. (LADbible)
Hello MaDiridis. (LADbible)

Again showing AI's prediction for a Maccies to be in a eerie and dark environment, 'MaDaridis' also features a little rooftop space.

And then it just seems to have loads of golden Ms inside, you know so we can never forget we're inside a McDonald's.

The shiny gold exterior is even on a raised platform from the street below with a weird and random red flag outside.

Well, if any of these predictions do come true in 20 years time, I think I'd quite like to scran on a McCrispy at MabGi's.

Featured Image Credit: Anna Barclay/Getty Images / LADbible

Topics: Artificial Intelligence, Technology, Weird, McDonalds