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If tripping over on a treadmill wasn't painful enough, one woman managed to completely lose her leggings after they were 'sucked off' by the machine - and to make matters worse, it was caught on CCTV.

After tripping over her shoelace on a gym treadmill on May 24, Alyssa Konkel is now 'really afraid of treadmills'.

If tripping over on a treadmill wasn't painful enough, one woman managed to complete lose her leggings after they were 'sucked off' by the machine.
Compass Media

As the machine kept spinning, it caught her leggings and pulled them down to her ankles, exposing her bottom.

The 26-year-old from Illinois, USA, was left fully bruised from the legs up and unfortunately skinned her face, lip, knees and shins in the process.

Although Alyssa was grateful for the gym not being too busy, she perhaps didn't anticipate for the recorded incident to go viral.

After tripping over her shoelace on a gym treadmill on May 24, Alyssa Konkel is now 'really afraid of treadmills'.
Compass Media

“I felt so embarrassed. I had to leave immediately. I was just running at the gym and my pants got sucked off!” she explained.

“This also happened when I was 10 years old and skinned my chin, so now I’m really afraid of treadmills.

“The treadmill was on 10 so it was going pretty fast.

As the machine kept spinning, it caught her leggings and pulled them down to her ankles, exposing her bottom.
Compass Media

“It was only when I watched the video back that I saw my shoelace was untied and I tripped and fell.

“I jumped up like up like a boss immediately to pull my pants up because my butt was showing and that’s where I let go.

“I hurt myself my face, lip, knees and shins are skinned.

“Thankfully the gym was not too busy but the lady who ran back came back to me and asked if I was OK.”

Alyssa was badly bruised.
Compass Media

Commenting on the viral clip, one person said: "This why I exercise at home."

Another quipped: "Those pants couldn’t have come off faster in any other scenario."

"First, she fell, revealing her thong (that had to be uncomfortable at the gym) then she face-planted," a third wrote.

"And as the kids say nowadays she got 'yeeted' to the floor.

"I like how the lady ran over there to help and then immediately turned around so that she wouldn’t be embarrassed."

"I hurt myself my face, lip, knees and shins are skinned."
Compass Media

A fourth also thought: "OMG... I will be the outlier here I guess... I hope she's okay aside from a bruised ego. I imagine having this circulate on the internet must be terrible."

While someone else said: "I won because I didn't laugh at somebody nearly getting injured."

A valuable life lesson - make sure your laces are tied before you hop on the treadmill.

Featured Image Credit: Compass Media

Topics: US News, Viral