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The Undertaker Returns To Fight John Cena at Wrestlemania

The Undertaker Returns To Fight John Cena at Wrestlemania

The Undertaker Returns To Fight John Cena at Wrestlemania!

Mike Wood

Mike Wood

It's Wrestlemania night, and that means one thing. Wherever he is in the world and whatever he had planned to do of his Sunday evening, The Undertaker was going to make an appearance. It's tradition.

Having appeared in almost every Mania since 1990, it was guaranteed that he would show up eventually, and it was John Cena who had been calling him out the entire time.

Cena had spent the most of his night in the crowd as a fan - as he had promised he would - before legging it up the ramp, before turning up with full regalia and entrance...only for the telltale sign of all the lights going off and...Elias turned up with a guitar, wasting everyone's time.

Thankfully, Cena did the decent thing and battered Elias, shunted him from the ring. His music started again and Cena began a trudge towards the backstage, only for the lights to go off again and...the people got what they wanted. The hat in the centre of the ring. Some dodgy lightening effects. Death tolls. Organ music.

Is there a better sight in wrestling than a man as old as your Da pretending to be hard?

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