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Gordon Ramsay had trick ‘30 seconds salary question’ when interviewing someone for a job

Gordon Ramsay had trick ‘30 seconds salary question’ when interviewing someone for a job

He said it lets him know 'what they are about'.

If we could think of anyone we would want to interview us for a role, Gordon Ramsay would probably be towards the very bottom of that list - and it’s no secret as to why.

He’s not exactly known for his calm temperament, so we can only imagine what a one-to-one job interview experience with him is like.

It'd be one way to grow some tough skin, that's for sure.

But while he’s known for being thorough in the kitchen, it's clear that it also extends to job interviews too, as he revealed in a clip circulating from Kitchen Nightmares UK that he has a '30 seconds salary' question which lets him know what his potential chefs 'are about'.

In this particular episode, the owner of this particular restaurant, Francesco Mattioli, was looking for a new head chef after his previous Michelin Starred employee had chosen to leave The Walnut Tree Inn - leaving him in charge of the kitchen.

With the Welsh pub on the lookout for a new chef, Ramsay was roped in to help with the recruitment process.

Imagine showing up to a job interview to be greeted by Gordon Ramsay.
YouTube/Kitchen Nightmares

In the clip, he told Mattioli: “Always an interesting question when you interview a young chef, 'what salary are you looking for?' And they tell you within 30 seconds what they’re all about.”

First to sit in the hot seat was Ross - who appeared a lot more enthusiastic about an interview with Gordon Ramsay than your average person probably would be.

Alongside cooking up a storm in the kitchen, he was also asked by the chef what his starting salary expectations would be.

Tread lightly Ross…this is Gordon.

But his answer wasn’t what he was looking for, with the TV personality left baffled by his response.

Ross didn't win over Ramsay.
YouTube/Kitchen Nightmares

It wasn’t looking likely for Ross securing the position, when Ramsay replied: “£30,000? F**k off, out of here.”

Despite the brutality, he probably did make the right call as the pasta dish Ross had rustled up did not go down well with either of them.

Ramsay joked: “Sort of thing I’d expect the missus to do, certainly not worth £30k a year, that’s for sure.”

It’s been ten years since the iconic series ended and fans are hopeful that it will make a return.

But many were for a bitter disappointment however, as Ramsay said: “I've had a phenomenal 10 years making 123 episodes, 12 seasons, shot across two continents, watched by tens of millions of people and sold to over 150 countries.

“It's been a blast, but it's time to call it a day.

“During this time, I've visited over 100 restaurants, meeting and trying to help - or in some cases, failing to help - some of the most weird and wonderful people.”

However, it was announced last year that the show is set to returning to our screens once again.

Nature is healing, folks.

Featured Image Credit: Kitchen Nightmares/YouTube/SUSANNAH IRELAND/AFP/Getty Images

Topics: Gordon Ramsay, Food And Drink, Viral, TV and Film

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