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Dead Pet Fish Receives Funeral Fit For A Viking

Dead Pet Fish Receives Funeral Fit For A Viking

RIP Tom.

Mel Ramsay

Mel Ramsay

For many of us, our first pet was a goldfish. I won mine at a fair. My sister called hers 'Goldie' so I was incredibly original and called mine 'Silvery'. It did not live long.

However, this fish - Peeping Tom - seems to have lived a long and happy life. He lived in the bathroom of Imgur user Chilly911.

Chilly posted: "My beloved fish I had for 6 1/2 years, Peeping Tom. Aptly named because he lived in my bathroom. Livin' his life watching people poop and shower.

"One day his bowl was moved out of the sunlight by my father despite specific instructions to keep his bowl in light. And I came home from work the next day to find my wonderful aquatic companion dead.

"So, since he was such a valiant creature I decided he deserved a Viking funeral. Here it is..."

RIP Tom. You were as glorious in death as you were in life. Probably.

P.S. Thanks to our bros over the pond, BroBible, for finding this post. Love you.

Words by Mel Ramsay

Featured image credit: Imgur/Chilly911

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Topics: Fish, Funeral, Animal, Dead