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McDonald's Restaurant Gets An 'Edgy' Revamp And Everyone Hates It

McDonald's Restaurant Gets An 'Edgy' Revamp And Everyone Hates It

They're not lovin' it...

George Pavlou

George Pavlou

When McDonald's tries to get edgy, you know the end of the world is right around the corner.

The area of south London known as Brixton has long been considered somewhat 'less than reputable'. But over the years the government has been ploughing money into the area to make it more upmarket and to be fair, they've done a sterling job.

However, if you've been to Brixton, you'll know all about the massive McDonald's. It's a staple part of any Brixton reveller's night out. Just recently it's had something of a makeover. The only problem is, the makeover is horrendous.

They've gone for an 'edgy' revamp including fake graffiti on the walls which has 'offended' a hell of a lot of people...

They've all got a point. It's McDonald's, not an over-priced street art cafe in Shoreditch with avocado toast and Frosties on the breakfast menu.

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Topics: McDonald's