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Woman brought to tears after first day working 9-5 job hits back at 'haters' who called her lazy

Woman brought to tears after first day working 9-5 job hits back at 'haters' who called her lazy

Brielle went viral after she cried about her 9-5

A woman who went viral after she was brought to tears over her first 9-5 job has hit back at haters who called her lazy.

ICYMI, graduate Brielle Asero, 21, opened up on TikTok about her struggles after transitioning from uni life into the world of work.

Explaining she never had time to do anything due to her hours and commute, Brielle could be seen breaking down in the video.

Watch for yourself below:

"I know I'm probably just being so dramatic and annoying, but this is my first job, like my first 9 to 5 job after college," she said in the viral clip.

"I'm in person, and I'm commuting in the city, and it takes me f**king forever to get there. There's no way I'm gonna be able to afford living in the city right now, so that's off the table."

She explains that to make it to work on time, she has to get the train at 7.30am and doesn't get home until at least 6.15pm.

The young woman claims by then she doesn't 'have time to do anything’.

"I want to shower, eat my dinner, and go to sleep," Brielle shared. "I don’t have time or energy to cook my dinner either. I don’t have energy to work out, like, that’s out the window."

The TikToker clarified that it wasn't the job itself that she had a problem with, but rather having to work in the office and the long commute that sees her not returning home until more than an hour after the end of her shift.

It's a teary subject.

Naturally, people were pretty divided over the video and Brielle got quite a fair bit of criticism.

Hitting back at the haters, Brielle spoke to Rolling Stone, explaining that she considers herself lucky to have found a role out of college.

"Different news stations picked up my video and painted post-grads as entitled and lazy which is far from the case," she said.

"I knew the schedule would be tough for me to get used to since most of my college was online due to Covid, but once I was offered this job I took it to get my foot in the door and gain experience.

"I didn’t expect it to cause a media frenzy. I was just trying to be relatable to my followers that also have to work a job with long hours.

"[Gen-Z] works just as hard as people before us, with lower salaries and higher costs of living.

"And most people who are mad at me are just taking out the anger they feel over the time they've lost working long hours.

"I just wanted to bring people together who feel this way to possibly incite a change."

She's been laid off in the run up to Christmas.

After sharing the viral clip, Brielle explained that she actually ended up getting laid off from the job - but insisted it had nothing to do with the TikTok video.

Brielle explained the start-up she was working for basically didn’t have the capacity to keep her.

“It’s so disappointing. It makes you feel like you’re not good enough, and I know that I am," said Brielle.

"I’m a hard worker and my boss said I’m one of the smartest people he’s ever had working under him, and he knows I’m going to land on my feet.

“I have a degree – I’ve done everything I’m supposed to do: I did two internships, I built a portfolio, I worked freelance out of school because I was building my portfolio. I did things for free.

"I have done everything I possibly could have and it’s still not enough.”

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@brielleybelly123

Topics: TikTok, Viral, US News, Jobs

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