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A drunk driver has been hit with a 17-month ban after he fell off his motorbike while trying to order at a McDonald’s drive-thru.

Cameron Dixon, 28, was more than twice over the limit when he was caught on CCTV driving unsteadily along the pavement before falling from his vehicle. You can see how that went down here:

Dixon was arrested after staff at the McDonalds, at the Admiral Retail Park in Eastbourne, East Sussex, alerted a policeman who happened to be grabbing a bite to eat at the restaurant while on his break.

After being alerted by staff, Sergeant Chris Ambrose approached Dixon at around 1:30am on 25 April.

Dixon told officers he had had a drink with his family.

He was then given a roadside breath test - which he failed - and was arrested.

Cameron Dixon was caught on CCTV falling off his bike while drunk.
Sussex Police

The test showed that Dixon had 76 microgrammes of alcohol per 100 millilitres of breath. The legal limit is 35 microgrammes.

Despite previously admitting to drinking, once in the police station, Dixon was recorded arguing with police and said, 'I don't give a f**k’.

He also replied, ‘no comment’ when questioned about whether he had been drinking.

On 10 May, Dixon appeared at Hastings Magistrates Court where he admitted to driving while being over the legal limit.

He was banned from driving for 17 months and ordered to pay a £346 fine, £85 costs, and a £138 surcharge.

Commenting on the case Sergeant Ambrose said: “The footage shows how unsteady Dixon was.

“He was in no fit state to be riding his motorcycle that night. He put his own safety, and the safety of other road users, at risk.

“This case demonstrates the ongoing importance of reporting potential drink-drivers to the police.

“Drink-driving is one of the main causes of people being killed or seriously injured on our roads, so informing the police really could save someone's life.”

The drunk driver has since been hit with a 17-month ban.
Sussex Police

Earlier this month, a drunk driver in Springfield, Colorado, attempted to switch seats with his dog in order to avoid getting in trouble. I’m not entirely sure he thought that one through.

The police Facebook post explained: “The driver attempted to switch places with his dog who was in the passenger seat, as the SPD [Springfield Police Department] officer approached and watched the entire process.

“The male party then exited the passenger side of the vehicle and claimed he was not driving.

“The male party showed clear signs of intoxication and when asked about his alcohol consumption the male party ran from the officer.” But he didn’t get very far and was nabbed by the cop and has since been hit with a slew of charges, including driving under the influence, driving while suspended and resisting arrest.

Thankfully, the innocent pooch is not facing any charges.

Featured Image Credit: Sussex Police

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