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People are flocking to social media in despair after a TikToker explained how we 'lose a whole year' every birthday.

Birthdays - you either love them and thrive being the centre of attention, or you hate them and would rather the day goes as quickly as possible, the stress of making sure everyone is getting along at your party simply too much to handle.

However, if you were a fan of your annual celebrations, prepare to now look at them in a totally different light because a content creator called Emma, has taken to TikTok to share a startling realisation she's had while approaching her 29th birthday.

Emma has sent shockwaves through TikTok.
TikTok/ @emmaflicc_

Emma warns followers if they 'don't want [her] to ruin [their] life' they should 'keep scrolling' - you've been warned.

The TikToker explains it's her 29th birthday coming up next month and she's begun dreading it - it being her last year of her twenties.

She continues: "Then I realised, your first birthday is when you've completed that year. Your birthday is like a congratulation for all the work that you've just done, the last 365 days right?"

Prepare to cancel your birthday celebrations.
TikTok/ @emmaflicc_

Going off of that, Emma notes she may be 'turning 29 next month' but it actually means she's 'completed the 29th year of [her] life'.

The TikToker resolves: "So on my birthday, I'm actually starting my 30th year of life.

"And now I've just lost a whole year because I hadn't clocked that this year was actually the last year of my 20s and next year is actually the first year of my 30s. "

On Emma's 29th birthday, she will be starting her 30th year alive.
TikTok/ @emmaflicc_

It's fair to say, panic spreads like wildfire across TikTok, with Emma's followers having flooded to the post similarly horrified by the realisation.

"Should have kept scrolling," one user said.

Another wrote: "That first year is like the first pancake... it's the throwaway year."

"I discovered this when I turned 28 in November and when I tell you I crumble every time I think about it," a third added.

Some TikTokers have refused to listen to the revelation.
TikTok/ @emmaflicc_

However, others refused to let the revelation get to them.

A user wrote: "Disrespectfully... no. I reject this finding. Because reasons."

"But the lockdown birthdays didn't count so you are good," a second argued.

Another added: "No cos isn't it the other way? Cos like turning 30 is celebrating 29 years complete. You've not existed for 30 years yet, so you're really only 29."

A final simply resolved: "When I learned this fact I completely chose to ignore it."

Featured Image Credit: TikTok/@emmaflicc_

Topics: TikTok, Social Media, Viral