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You Can Now Match With A Sexually Transmitted Infection On Tinder

You Can Now Match With A Sexually Transmitted Infection On Tinder

What a time to be alive.

Sian Broderick

Sian Broderick

Good news, lads. You can now match with a sweet looking sexually transmitted infection called Chlaramydia on Tinder. Better throw those condoms in the bin! (Don't.)

Apparently, STDs are on the rise in Australia, so a campaign has been launched to to raise awareness of safe sex.

A series of fake profiles - five male, five female - were created as part of a collaboration between HERO Condoms and artist Aaron Tyler.

A note on his site reads: "As Sexually Transmitted Diseases are on the rise in Australia, profiles for common STIs created on Tinder to remind people that they could be matching with more than they bargained for." Man's got a point to be fair.


Would be good to know how Tinder's creators feel about this campaign.


Luckily, the profile pictures aren't of real people. They're made up of compiled selfies from around the world. Which, let's be honest, is for the best because nobody wants to be known as the herpes campaign guy. Equally, it's a crying shame because Aidy has really beautiful eyes.

If you match up though, you can have an actual conversation with them because they're manned by real people.

What do you reckon? Would you swipe right for a bit Gonorrheeta?

Words by Sian Broderick

Images credit: Aaaron Tyler

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