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People are only just discovering the right way to make microwave popcorn

People are only just discovering the right way to make microwave popcorn

Thanks to a viral TikTok, people are discovering the right way to microwave popcorn

People on TikTok are only just discovering the right way to microwave popcorn thanks to a new, and very eye-opening, video.

In what you would think is a fairly easy exercise, what you won't realise is that all these years you've actually been microwaving popcorn completely wrong. But how exactly?

Well, a TikTok user who goes by the name of Ryan (@ryan1989boy), posted a video to his account showing the genius trick. Watch it below:

The idea with this hack is that it is supposed to save time in the popcorn-making process, meaning you can go enjoy that film and scoff some popcorn sooner.

In the viral video that has racked up over 60,000 likes, Ryan puts the popcorn in the microwave with its packaging as normal.

But he strays away from the usual rule book when he takes the popcorn out of the microwave and puts the sweet or salty treat into a bowl.

Typically, you would just open the bag of popcorn and pour it into the bowl.

But Ryan had a different idea once he took the popcorn out, as he immediately turned the bag upside down while it was still sealed.

Ryan turned the popcorn bag upside down when he got it out of the microwave.

He then shook the bag so all the un-popped kernels fell out of the small opening, leaving him with the bigger popcorn pieces left in the bag.

Presumably, Ryan then took out the bigger pieces of popcorn as normal into another bowl - though that was not documented in the video.

The idea is genius thinking, as them smaller un-popped kernels can be rather annoying when you pick them up instead of the nicer pieces and almost break a tooth.

Especially when you are enjoying a film and have the lights out like a home cinema - it really is a hack we never thought we needed.

And it seems people in the comments of the TikTok seem to agree, with many praising Ryan for the ingenious idea.

The TikToker then shook the bag to get the un-popped kernel out.
@ryan1989boy/ TikTok

One person said: "Wait what? It takes so long to take them out individually and I see this!"

A second added: "I did not know. wow."

There were some TikTok users that already knew of this idea - 'Well, yeah, duh' - one person commented.

And there were also some that admitting to eating and actually enjoying the un-popped kernels, so the hack was not actually required for them.

But you may want to think twice next time, as dentists warn that eating un-popped popcorn kernels can actually crack your teeth, as per the American Association of Endodontists.

Featured Image Credit: @ryan1989boy/TikTok

Topics: TikTok, Food And Drink