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Fans 'want to buy it now' as Wonka Experience toy created for bogus character The Unknown

Fans 'want to buy it now' as Wonka Experience toy created for bogus character The Unknown

An event that will go down in history...

'What is that? It's The Unknown' - six words that will forever go down in viral content lore after the ill-fated Willy Wonka Experience in Glasgow went global.

If like this author you've become obsessed with the event that went viral for all the wrong reasons, you'll be happy to know an action figure has been created for experience's AI-generated character known simply as The Unknown.

It's not the first action figure to be created after a viral meme sensation - we all remember the iconic rave gurner - but it is one that will likely go down in online folklore for just how insane this story has become.

The Wonka Experience, put on by a company known as House of Illumanti, went viral earlier this week after parents phoned the police due to how poorly it turned out.

At £35 a ticket, families expected an immersive chocolate factory inspired experience. Instead they got a half empty warehouse alongside a jelly bean and a quarter cup of lemonade.

Those behind the event have apologised for how it turned out after it was advertised using AI-generated imagery showing of an other-worldly location inspired by sweets and chocolate.

When families turned up, there were a few props and a bouncy castle. Not quite the Gene Wilder factory we all looked on in amazement at when watching the original film in our childhoods.

What is that? It's The Unknown.
Facebook/Maryanne McCormack

In another bizarre twist, actors at the event said organisers used AI to create a 15 page script that introduced us to a bizarre and brand new Wonkaverse character known only as The Unknown.

The script described them as an 'evil chocolate maker who lived in the walls'. Did they make evil chocolate or were they the evil one making chocolate that had no hard feelings? So many unanswered questions.

Since then The Unknown has become a viral meme in their own right, with greetings cards already being sold by independent retailers. And many others have said there's simply no other option come the time for choosing a Halloween costume.

Over on TikTok, one creator has gone a step further. Yes, ladies and gentlemen, an action figure of The Unknown exists.

Lemonade was not in plentiful supply.
Facebook/Fiona Hughes

Not even a week since the event the @deadalivestore account, which creates custom figures, has cemented the evil chocolate maker into the history books of iconic action figures.

Audiences have been, as you would expect, over the moon with the creation which was shared on social media with the caption: "Crying kids sold separately..."

One said: "Does it have the mirror accessory too or is that separate?"

A second posted: "I would like to purchase."

A third added: "This was fast. Way fast. I think this toy was made by the event owners to make money from the loss."

But it's sad news for those who want their own copy of the figure, with it not available to buy.

The TikToker regularly makes custom action figures but they are art pieces rather than something more mass produced.

But who knows, maybe the popularity of the item will see the creator change their mind. All hail The Unknown.

Featured Image Credit: @deadalivestore / TikTok / Facebook / Maryanne McCormack

Topics: UK News, Weird, Viral, TV and Film, TikTok, Social Media

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