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GMB viewers baffled as Ed Balls kicks Susanna Reid in the head live on air

GMB viewers baffled as Ed Balls kicks Susanna Reid in the head live on air

The bizarre scenes played out during this morning's episode

Good Morning Britain viewers were treated to the rather bizarre sight of former politician Ed Balls accidentally kicking Susanna Reid in the head during this morning’s show.

The presenter was fronting the show alongside her co-host Ed while they aired a discussion on whether it’s OK to put your feet on seats while flying. (It’s not, if you’re asking me). You can see that debate quickly going wrong here:

To try and illustrate their point, Susanna and Ed headed over to some plane-style seats to chat with Kevin Maguire and Andrew Pierce.

Susanna sat down next to Kevin on the front two seats, while Ed and Andrew sat behind.

During the foursome’s discussion, Ed attempted to put his feet up to make a point - but he accidentally booted poor Susanna right in the head.

She recoiled away in pain, while a shocked Ed sprang to his feet to apologise and check that his co-host was OK.

Holding her head, Susanna said: "I think we've decided it's not ok, there we go.”

Ed Balls accidentally kicked Susanna Reid in the head.

Before adding: "I don't know if I can carry on doing the programme. I'm seeing stars. That is our debate this morning, should you put your feet up on seats?" I think that’s a solid ‘no’ from Susanna, too.

The long-standing Good Morning Britain host has been joined by numerous co-presenters since Piers Morgan stormed out mid-show back in March 2021, never to return.

Morgan walked off the set following a run-in with his ITV colleague Alex Beresford, who pulled him up on his comments on Meghan Markle and Prince Harry's interview with Oprah.

Addressing his departure, the following day, Susanna said: "He is without doubt an outspoken, challenging, opinionated, disruptive broadcaster.

Ed was left horrified over his mistake.

"He has many critics and he has many fans. You will know that I disagreed with him about Meghan's interview. He himself clarified his comments about her mental health on the show yesterday.

"There are many voices on GMB and everyone has their say. But now Piers has decided to leave the programme. Some of you may cheer and others may boo.

"He has been my presenting partner, Monday to Wednesday, for more than five years and during Brexit and the pandemic and other issues, he has been a voice for many of you and a voice that many of you have railed against.

"It is certainly going to be very different but shows go on and so on we go."

Featured Image Credit: ITV

Topics: Good Morning Britain, ITV, TV and Film