If you take a trip to the cinema there's a half-decent chance that you'll be advised to leave your rubbish by your seat so it's easier to pick up.
This way they can recycle it properly and avoid an entire cinema's worth of people turning the nearest bin into a mountain of half-chewed popcorn kernels, though nobody's gonna mind if you save them a job and find somewhere decent to chuck your rubbish.
Sadly there are some cinema-goers who seem intent on making a mess and giving some poor soul one hell of a job cleaning it up.
A group of teenagers who seemed more interested in ruining the cinema than watching a film had their antics posted online with the message 'please raise your children better than this'.
It turned out the teens had bought out a private screening at a cinema and left '20 minutes before their movie ended', with the cleaners discovering armageddon when they went in to tidy up.

Buckets worth of popcorn had been deposited on the floor, to the point that a particularly unscrupulous cinema might have scooped it back up and made an absolute fortune reselling it.
Instead, the unfortunate cinema cleaners had to tidy up the monumental mess before posting the pictures online for a bit of a chance to vent.
This kicked off a bit of a debate as some reckoned mess was there to be cleaned and ergo made work for the cleaner, while others totally agreed that it was unacceptable behaviour.
One said 'if we kept it clean you wouldn't have a job' and claimed 'we're doing everyone a favour', while another said 'that's the job' and advised the cleaner to quit if they didn't like it.
A third said 'you literally get paid to clean it up sooooo idk why tf you complaining'.

Then again, if you're at one of those 'leave your rubbish by your seat' cinemas a cleaner's time could just as easily be occupied by picking up the cups, cartons and buckets left neatly by the seat of cinemagoers who felt no need to spew the unconsumed contents across the floor.
Others really did not like the 'that's their job' crowd, arguing back that people who intentionally made a mess were 'terrible people' as the cinema would have to be cleaned anyway and they're just making an existing job harder.
A second said it would be better to 'show some basic courtesy for others', while a third chipped in to wonder 'what happened to common decency'.
In general the 'don't make a mess' argument seemed to be far more popular than the 'that's their job' crowd.
Meanwhile, other cinema workers brought up that over the years they'd had to clean up far more disgusting things than just popcorn.