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The Chase's Darragh Ennis shares easy quiz question '95% of people' get wrong

The Chase's Darragh Ennis shares easy quiz question '95% of people' get wrong

The Menace managed to baffle Brits with the question despite it initially sounding straightforward

If you're debating whether or not to apply to be a contestant on The Chase, why not trial out your general knowledge abilities with this 'easy' quiz question before potentially showing yourself up on national TV?

This confusing query will certainly put your critical thinking skills to the test, but at least you don't have the added pressure of The Chaser's staring back at you on top of the usual anxieties about your answer.

Instead, you've just got proving Darragh Ennis wrong riding on it.

Take a look at this:

It seems that the quick-witted quizzer, who is better known as The Menace, still has mind-boggling questions swirling around his head even when he is off the clock.

The Irishman, 43, has gained a reputation as quite the formidable quizzer since he earned a spot on the hit ITV show in November 2020.

He was actually once a contestant on The Chase himself back in 2017, so he knows exactly what it's like to be staring up at the terrifying panel of brain boxes and 'how intimidating it really is'.

Which is probably why Ennis is super keen to get Brits to brush up on their general knowledge in case they ever end up in a quiz-related quandary.

In a recent TikTok video, he challenged his followers to try and work out the answer to a simple question which the vast majority of people get wrong.

Darragh Ennis joined the chase in December 2020 (ITV)
Darragh Ennis joined the chase in December 2020 (ITV)

The TV star said: "Do you want to know a really easy sounding quiz question that almost everybody will get wrong? "Seriously, about 95% of people will get this wrong, and it sounds so simple.

"Here it a berry."

But as avid watchers of The Chase will know, although a question might sound straightforward, it's actually probably a little bit more complex than you first assume.

Brits love berries, so you'd reckon we'd box this off with flying colours - however, most people actually fall into a common trap when thinking of their favourite fruits.

Revealing the answer, Ennis continued: "Now if you said strawberry, blackberry or raspberry, you're wrong.

"They are not actually technically berries. Berries are a very specific type of fruit.

"They have to come from a single ovary of a single flower and have no stones for seeds. So if you said peach, plum, or cherry, they're not berries either.

The Menace managed to leave people seriously confused about their fruit (TikTok/@gillesbones)
The Menace managed to leave people seriously confused about their fruit (TikTok/@gillesbones)

Ennis explained: "But what are berries, and this is the bit that is absolutely bonkers, are things like bananas, aubergines, and watermelons.

"There are some things that are called berries that are actually berries though too, things like cranberries and blueberries are also berries."

The Chaser then joked: "But if you did happen to say Matt Berry, then you are the most devious quizzer in New York City," in reference to a quote by Matt Berry's comical character Laszlo Cravensworth in What We Do In The Shadows.

Social media users were left stunned by their berry knowledge gap and took to the comments to share their thoughts.

One said: "I said blackcurrant with so much confidence because I panicked."

Another wrote: "Everyday is a school day!"

A third joked: "Berry good question."

A fourth added: "I said banana. Feel like the teacher's pet."

While a fifth chimed in: "I said Mary Berry, does that count?"

Featured Image Credit: ITV/TikTok/gillesbones

Topics: Food And Drink, The Chase, quizzes, TikTok