An airport boss has given fresh advice on the 100ml liquid rules happening across the majority of the UK's airports.
It comes as the UK is now one year away from putting the 100ml cap to an end for good - although some airports are already well on their way with it gone already.
By the summer of 2025, all airports in the UK must install brand new airport scanners similar to those used by hospitals to perform CT scans.

Producing hi-quality images of baggage and what is inside them, it'll mean Brits will no longer have to cram all their liquids in to 100ml containers if all they have is hand luggage.
And we'll also be saying goodbye to putting every 100ml container in to one 20cm by 20cm clear, plastic bag.
In its place will be a new two litre limit placed upon hand luggage with you given the ability to pack these throughout your bag as you wish, in a move that will revolutionise how long it takes to get through airport security across the country.
Some UK airports have already installed the scanners, with them going live this summer in time for the busy school holidays.
But it remains something that only the minority of travel hubs have put in place, with roughly another 12 months left for all airports to get their ducks in a row including the country's busiest - Heathrow.

Now, ahead of the 2024 summer season, those having to still follow the 100ml rules for the time being are being reminded of exactly why they should follow the reason - and what'll happen if you don't.
Nick Barton, CEO of Birmingham Airport, has spoken out on the issue.
The airport itself has installed the new scanners but for the time being, the old 100ml rules still apply due to a delay in final regulatory approval.
However, those who don't follow the 100ml rule are reportedly set to see their time in security extended which could put you at risk of missing your flight depending on the queues.
"A non-compliant bag with liquids over 100ml can add up to 20 minutes to each passenger's journey through security," Barton said, as per the BBC.

"Since opening our new security area, and despite being one of the first UK airports to comply, we have been limited on the use of our multi-million-pound equipment due to an outstanding regulatory restriction meaning we had to limit liquids to 100ml.
"Despite the 100ml rule still being in place, we continually have non-compliant bags with liquids over the allowance which have led to inefficiencies of our equipment and resulted in extended queuing time for customers.
"It is now imperative that all customers comply with the nationwide rule to ensure a smoother and simpler transition through the airport."
For those flying through airports where the 100ml limit remains in place for another year, it might be worth checking out the viral 100ml hack that's a surefire way to get around the cap.
Topics: Hacks, Holiday, Travel, UK News, World News