Sick bags at the ready, folks, because this one’s pretty rough. How rough are we talking? Well, we’re about to tell you the story of the woman who tried to wash a cockroach out of her ear with mouthwash. So, yeah. Pretty rough.
Have a look below:
Singapore woman Nadia Limzq ended up in A&E after a ‘3-4cm’ cockroach crawled into her ear.
Nadia immediately ran to the bathroom and filled her ear with Listerine, and although she eventually felt the critter stop moving, her attempts at removing the cockroach with tweezers landed her in hospital.
Nadia posted two videos of her ordeal on TikTok, the first of which was captioned: “I almost fainted when the doctor pulled out the severed body of the cockroach with its feelers out of my ear.”
In the accompanying clip, Nadia can be seen sitting in a waiting room, presumably with an ear full of dead cockroach.
Seconds later, doctors wearing face masks can be seen examining Nadia’s ear while she grimaces in pain.

In a follow-up clip posted on social media, Nadia explained exactly what went down, revealing she’d felt the cockroach on her pillow, and whacked it so hard that it ran into her ear.
Unable to wrench the roach out with her fingers, Nadia opted for the next best thing - a nice shot of mouthwash to the ear.
Nadia explained in the video: “Honestly right I'm just f*****g unlucky because how does this happen to someone?! I whacked it like really hard, I whacked it because I was panicking and I was trying to get it out [of the bed]. And when I whack it it f*****g crawled into my ear.”

She continued: “I just got up and I screamed so damn loud. It was f*****g disgustingly uncomfortable because I could feel it wiggling in my ear. And at this point, honestly I don't think Listerine is safe for your ear but I didn't know what else to do.”
Describing how she broke up the insect with tweezers, Nadia added: "I broke it into like, pieces.
“So when some of it came out right, the white guts came out, and like the skin of the cockroach - the f*****g, like oh my god, the brown shell came out.”
She concluded: “You don't understand, like, I wanted to puke." Us too, Nadia, us too.
LADbible has reached out to Nadia for comment.