A frightening clip shows a landlord going after a tenant with an electric circular saw in a dispute over unpaid rent.
Surgical doctor Muhammed Raheel - who captured the footage - said 'anything could have happened' if his wife did not pull him back in time.
The incident, whick took place at a home in Galway, Ireland, saw a doctor, originally from Pakistan, being threatened by his landlord with a circular saw.

The landlord was filmed cutting open the front-door of the rented apartment, telling Dr Raheel: "I’m going to cut the door down.
"I have been to the guards, they told me to ask you about the money, if you refuse, they will be coming."
Dr Raheel pleaded him to stop, saying: "Stay back I'm going to call the police.
"You cannot do this, please," he added.
Despite trying to close the door, the landlord kept coming for him.
"Are you f**king mad?" the tenant shouts after nearly catching his hand on the blade.
"I am mad," replied the landlord.
After the incident, Dr Raheel said: "I have been up all night with my wife and our daughters, 1 and 3, awake with worry that he would return with another weapon."

He told The Journal that his rent payments had been bouncing back.
"I kept trying every month and put the money aside so I would have it there when he got in touch," he said.
"I didn’t hear from him for months. Then, on 28 March, when my wife called me from home and said I had to come right away, because someone was drilling outside and was breaking into the house, and she was with our children.
"I was in the middle of the operating room and I had to apologise and leave. When I got home, there was a locksmith at the door who claimed that he was told no one was living there and the locks needed changed.
"The landlord arrived at the house shortly after and was shouting 'where is my rent?'.
"I told him that I had been trying to send it and had proof of this, but payments would not go through.

"He gave me some explanation about switching bank accounts. He proceeded to racially abuse me. The Gardaí that came on that day were very good, they spoke to us separately and de-escalated the situation."
But the doctor claimed that he got 'little response' from police when he went to the station.
"I felt like my family and I were offered no protection, and we were deeply worried he would come back," he said.
A spokesperson for the Gardaí told the publication that they are 'aware of a video in circulation online and can confirm that personal contact has been made with a private citizen'.
"Enquiries are ongoing at this time," they added. "Any person who believes they have been mistreated by any member of An Garda Síochána is entitled to make a complaint to the Garda Síochána Ombudsman Commission.”
LADbible has contacted Gardaí for additional comment.
Topics: Ireland, World News