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Black Alien carves flesh off the side of his head to spell nickname

Black Alien carves flesh off the side of his head to spell nickname

Black Alien has taken his quest to become an extraterrestrial lifeform up a notch, having had skin sliced from his skull

Warning: This article contains graphic content

You’re probably already familiar with Black Alien, the Frenchman who has amputated body parts and tattooed himself from head to toe in his quest to transform into a… well, black alien.

Anthony Loffredo has now taken his quest to become an extraterrestrial lifeform up a notch, having had skin sliced from his skull, leaving the bloody word ‘alien’ etched into the side of his head. 

Loffredo showed off his latest body modification on Instagram last month, and needless to say, many of his 1.3 million followers were left feeling a smidge squeamish. You can take a look for yourself below:

Beneath Loffredo’s video post, in which he can be seen turning his head from side to side to show off the bright red wounds, one person wrote: “Bro why?”

Another added: “Wtf,” while a third penned: “Dude that looks dangerous.” Other comments included 'no waaaaaayyyyy', 'brutal' and 'this is too much'.

Almost two weeks later, Loffredo showed off his head wound again, revealing the word ‘alien’ is still bright red while posing on a balcony. 

Loffredo has been modifying his body since the age of 27 and, aside from tatting the majority of his body in black ink, has so far also had two fingers sliced off and his top lip removed.

Last month, Loffredo said he’s also considering chopping off half of one of his legs, saying on podcast Club 113: “It's something really hard because I have a healthy leg and an amputation, it's something big.”

Loffredo clarified the amputation would be from his knee and that he is only thinking about having the procedure on one of his legs.

The Black Alien has gone ahead with another extreme body modification.

Loffredo has previously admitted that his intense transformation has prevented him from being able to land a job, something he puts down to the fact that people simply ‘don’t understand’ him.

Speaking on the same podcast, he shared: “This type of change, it’s not just a tattoo, it’s something bigger. 

“With my family, I can’t find a job, there’s lots of negative stuff. It could be positive because you feel better, but you have to know there’s also a dark side.” 

He continued: “It’s a fight everyday, because everyday you find new people who don’t understand, who want to judge. 

“It’s life, not everyone understands everything. Like me, I don’t understand lots of things about lots of people. 

“You can’t judge someone, no one knows what’s inside someone’s head, why they’re doing that, you need to talk with this person.”

Featured Image Credit: Instagram/@the_black_alien_project

Topics: Instagram, Social Media